A Family Ministry

First Baptist Church of Ruskin strives to meet the needs of the entire family from the infant to the mature adult. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman, we would like you to be a part of our vibrant church family. Here are some opportunities that may interest you and meet your needs.

Mission Outreach

First Baptist is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s love and gospel around the world. We are active in sending missionaries and supporting missionaries and mission projects with our money and with our prayers. First Baptist supports over 75 missionaries and missions projects. We encourage people to respond to God’s call for laborers, whether it means that they move to a foreign country or live and minister in our own community.

Small Group Bible Studies/Sunday School

Often, small groups of people are easier to interact with than larger groups. For that reason, First Baptist Church of Ruskin has small Bible studies that meet Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am. Each class has a different format of teaching and interaction. Different topics are taught in each class providing a variety of subject choices to choose from. There are classes for many interest and every age group of the family.

Children’s and Youth Ministries

The JAIA class is a fantastic group, for those with special needs, 12 years and older!  They meet Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The JAIA leaders have a real heart for this class and encourage their growth and understanding of scripture as well as how to interact with others. Class time includes crafts, singing, Bible lessons, snack times and field trips. 
The JAIA class is currently designed for those with special needs that are able to communicate and have minimal physical disabilities.

College age Ministry

Bio coming soon! Classes meeting now: Sundays at 9:00am!

Young Families Ministry

One3 is a ministry geared for young families with and without children. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30am to have frank and real discussions on topics that affect couples and families today. We use the Word of God as well as other reliable resources to help us have the strongest marriages and families as possible. FBCR understands the importance and impact that families have on this church. We also get together for activities both as couples and as families for food, fun, and fellowship.
Contact Jim Farr for additional information about this ministry.

Mature Adult Ministry

Senior Sonshiners is a ministry for the active mature adults in the South Shore area. They meet from September to May on the first Tuesday of the month for a time of fellowship and fun. There is always excellent wholesome entertainment at each meeting. In addition to our monthly meetings we also plan one day trip a month to a place of interest.

Outreach Ministry

Ruskin Christian School, serving the South Shore community since 1968, was established under the direction and leadership of First Baptist Church in order to provide students with a quality academic education integrated with a Christian view of God and the world. RCS has received  accreditation from two nationally recognized accreditation agencies.
The RCS staff is professional and called to serve families by teaching and modeling a Christ-centered life that glorifies Jesus Christ. Over the years the school program has expanded, but the mission remains the same.